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Mentalization-Based Treatment (MBT)
What is MBT?


Mentalization-based treatment is a structured approach which aims to improve the resilience of individuals’ mentalizing capacities. Mentalizing is both an implicit and explicit process by which we make sense of actions by others as well as our own behaviours by attributing intentional mental states. In other words, it's a process of complex understanding of Self and Other's minds which is crucial for building rich, full and meaningful social connections and life.


Why mentalizing is important?

Mentalizing (also known as reflective functioning) refers to the quintessential human capacity to understand the self and others in terms of intentional mental states, such as feelings, desires, wishes, attitudes, and goals. It is a fundamental capacity that enables us to navigate the complex social world we live in. Moreover, mentalizing improves epistemic trust - another important component of social connections. To maintain social communications as beneficial, we must continually determine who we can safely turn to and who might potentially mislead us. Reflective functioning may improve epistemic trust and help to build satisfying relationships with ourselves and others.


How does it work?


MBT is collaborative. Everything in the session comes with joint discussion, taking into account the mental experiences and ideas of both patient and clinician. The process of mentalizing necessitates an authentic desire to understand the mental processes of oneself and others. This applies as much to the clinician as to the client. The therapist is an expert in THERAPY not in the client's experience. You can expect your therapist to ask about your experience, motives and behaviours in detail along with emotional responses and impressions of what is going on in therapy at the moment. There is a certain space for teaching particular skills but with the same purpose to improve mentalizing.

Trauma-Informed and Stabilization Treatment
Trauma and Dissociation Treatment

Trauma and stress-related conditions sometimes could be missed and covered by some more common mental health issues like depression, anxiety, attention deficit disorder, procrastination, anger bursts, alcohol and substance use. It could be the case with both PTSD and Complex Trauma with dissociative symptoms.

There are well-established clinical recommendations for PTSD treatment. The most commonly used models are Cognitive-behavioural therapy including "3d wave CBT" like Trauma-Focused Acceptance and Commitment therapy along with Prolonged Exposure, Written Exposure Therapy and EMDR.

For Complex PTSD treatment, its 3-phase approach aims to improve Safety and Stabilization and help with Memory Processing and Resolution and recovery.

Clinical Supervision

Supervision is a unique process that differs from consultation or therapy. It aims to encourage the supervisee's growth and development, safeguard the client's well-being, oversee the supervisee's performance, and help them self-supervise and achieve these objectives independently at some point in professional development. Using the Learning-Based Model of Psychotherapy Supervision with a strong flavour of Mentalization-based treatment, I'm focusing on three domains of alliance building/ maintenance, educational interventions, and learning/relearning including a total of 15 factors that constitute each domain. That helps my supervisees to develop a 3D vision of the case formulation with the consideration of multiple factors, not just symptoms and disorders.

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